I hope to venture out to the Old Mill tonight to hear Claire Martin - again the distance thing...plus it gets expensive to go and hear jazz in such a venue when you are kind of expected to order something to eat or drink - and not at Rex prices either. Speaking of which caught some of Danny Marks on Saturday afternoon while we were showing our old friend Al Stoski around town - he was here from Edmonton - having been working up in Kincardine for a number of months. Al was and is a valued member of the Edmonton Jazz Society - as a volunteer and board member...we went to the St. Lawrence and Kensington Markets - St. Lawrence is our friend Norma's neighbourhood market as Kensington is ours...
Last Friday night was a shopping overload at the "One of a Kind" Show - got another great dress from "Desserts and Skirts" - you can find her clothing at Fresh Collective here (she also designs "Precious Pink" jewellery which I also lurve). My dress is a funky print....it's a little hard to see the sleeves which are about 3/4 length - but it is made of a slinky comfy fabric.
While working at the Whole Health Expo I bought a cool cloth scarf necklace from Jalanna at Soul Symbols - where I was assisting on Sunday...they came in black, grey, brown and beige - very Type 2!
And for the piece de resistance a gorgeous amethyst necklace from Jalanna as well - I had so many compliments while I was wearing it - that I had to purchase it! The photo doesn't do it justice...
While walking around sampling food and checking out the vendors on my breaks I had a makeup touch up at Earth Lab Cosmetics - and got a lovely lipgloss - Sugar Plum which feels luxurious and mascara which is soft, doesn't smudge or flake - their line is mineral based. There were also some skin care products but I was rushing around trying to fit stuff in - including a green smoothie from Cruda and lunch from King's Cafe - I couldn't check out the entire line - but you can online....wwww.earthlabcosmetics.com. There is also someone in town who cares the line - www.ecoexistence.ca - Kym Klapp is the proprietor.
While at St. Lawrence Market, Norma introduced me to some supersoft scarves and wraps which are woven by a women's co-operative in Guatemala..if that is the correct Central American country. Beautiful colours and feel velvety soft...I will have to return for those. The stall is on the south side of Front - smack dab near the entrance to the market.
Today I'm making some raw spring rolls from "Becoming Raw" and maybe a Mushroom Soup from "Garden of Vegan"...I made some kale chips earlier...still working on the raw thing but getting more inspired all the time.