Relaxed in slim fitting jeans and blazer and sporting a tasselled sparkling necklace that I soooo covet - she delivered a magical evening covering tunes written by her fellow trio members - from Germany Klaus Gesing on soprano saxophone and bass clarinet and Glauco Venier a proud Italian on piano. There were even some soccer references.
Highlights included a fanastic opening number - Nick Drake's "Time of No Reply" and Madonna's (!) "Live to Tell"...which never sounded so good. It was nice to be in the room with a focused and receptive audience and to see the trio having a great time and working seamlessly together. As one of her encores she performed the timeless Cole Porter - "Every Time We Say Goodbye".
Right now I'm listening to her latest CD - " Dance Without Answer" - lovely and ethereal. I just love the instrumentation. Norma Winstone is so adept at choosing great material and musicians you know you will not be disappointed. The last time I heard her was at another stellar concert at the CBC - with Fred Hersch. It has been too long since my Norma fixes..maybe I need to visit Britain again? :)