Wow I have been really neglectful of my blog postings - as I was reminded on a recent visit to Edmonton for Folk Festival. I had an amazing time by the way - thanks to the Folk Fest staff and volunteers and especially to my best friend/administrator/ruler of the Folk Festival - Richard. He had an amazingly comfortable couch on the deck of his place that I didn't want to leave!
I ate at Padmanadi which if you don't know about this great South Asian veg restaurant on 101st Street at 107th Avenue ( - you should - super delicious! They even have a picture of Strombo at the cash register - so you know it must be good! I also checked out the - new to me- Blush Lane Orgnaic Market/Da Capo venue on 82 Avenue and 102 Street - a wonderful little organic market with some of the best peaches I have ever had - from their own orchard in B.C.! My latte was yummy from Da Capo as well.
As usual I visited the Plaid Giraffe and spent way too much money - got a Matt and Nat rose coloured purse and a Lug tote as well as some earrings. I picked up some jewellery at the Folk Fest craft tent too - some nifty eco earrings made from washers from "Raw" and lovely paper ones. I should post photos of all these purchases I guess.
Musically I really enjoyed the Avett Brothers - my first introduction to them - although it seems many attendees were very familiar with their work. A high energy set - a combination of bluegrass/southern rock/punk/ballads - and a cellist! L.P. was also a revelation - I agree with someone's assessment that she looks like Bob Dylan and sounds like "Cyndi Lauper" - I still have "Levitator" as an earworm. Lisa Hannigan was modern Irish folk/pop transcendence, Carlos Nunez a pied piper of infectious music, great bluegrass from the Steep Canyon Rangers and my fave Tim O'Brien and on and on...
The weather gods were munificient until 10 p.m. on Sunday night during Loreena McKennitt's set where thunder and sheet lightning provided unscheduled special effects. Then the heavens opened scattering patrons, volunteers and staff alike. Fortunately, everyone was ushered off site safely but it did mark the first time ever there was no Finale or Raffle Draw.
While on site I enjoyed the sight of many beautiful and huge dragonflies - doing their mosquito patrol duty.
My non Festival activities included a visit to Lux Beauty Boutique - to purchase some Coola sunscreen at the recommendation of my friend Helen - mine is Mango scented...yum! Butter London nail polishes - which I adore and they have a big selection. I also purchased a Tokyo Milk shower gel called Truth which is heavenly - at Laurel's Flowers and now I want more of these scents...many are scrumptious.