Thank you
Steve Jobs for your dedication to excellence and your incredible vision - I am late to the Apple cult, having just acquired an iphone - but I totally understand the devoted following - my next goal is an ipad. Thank you for thinking differently, outside the box, taking technology to the next level and making it user friendly. Rest in peace, you were taken from us far too early - what other amazing ideas could you have shared, I wonder?
The creation of itunes made it fast and easy to access all kinds of music - that's part of what I love about my iphone...however, it is no substitute for the live experience. Did you like that segue?
So - Friday
Russ Little is with the CJQ at Quotes from 5 - 8, you can also mosey over to Azure on Front and check out
Dan Bodanis and the trio, AND at Trane Studio -
Jules Estrin, wonderful trombonist and conductor of the Jazz FM Youth Band has a sextet starting at 8....
I had to laugh because I saw
Ty Burrell using poles while walking in a scene from the hilarious "Modern Family" last night....he was almost run over by
Julie Bowen....because there wasn't a stop sign at the corner - one of the story lines last night. The whole cast is wonderful and I particularly love
Sofia Vergara...
Other new show fave...."
New Girl" with the delightful
Zooey Deschannel - I have a bit of a girl crush on her - she is so fun and quirky...like the kind of best friend you would love to have.