If you haven't been living in a cave and have listened to CBC at all over the past few decades you have heard her witty songs - how can you not love someone who wrote about Leonard Cohen never going to bring her groceries in...in a hilarious Leonard Cohen style...you know I'm a folk fan as well as jazz addict....both healthy addictions.
Speaking of healthy tried another fall special at "Rawlicious" - carmelized onions on herb and onion flatbread and nut cheese - loved it..and I don't like onions...must figure out how to do those at home..perhaps they are dehydrated?
I'm Suzy Wilde's mom, among other things, and I asked her if she knew anyone who might be interested in the cabaret show
I'm doing Nov.11, and she gave me the email addresses of the smartest people she knows. I hope you don't mind, and I promise I won't share them with anyone, except maybe those people from overseas who offer such excellent investment opportunities.
Suzy's doing a guest spot in the show, by the way. She's singing a very saucy Christmas song which she performed TO GREAT ACLAIM at one of her Humber recitals!
I've got a birthday coming up, and it's on such a spooky date - 11-11-11 --
that I'm scared to be alone. So - I'm doing a show as part of Robert Missen's Green Door Cabaret series. I've got the brilliant young Acadian musician Ghislain Aucoin accompanying me on the piano grande, and he'll sing a few numbers as well - including "May I Offer My Umbrella", an "Anne and Gilbert" song that's rarely taken out of the show. I'll do some edgy-but-not-bitter novelty numbers, some more serious stuff, maybe something in Spanish, surely something in French.
Maybe I'll bring my banjo, maybe Ghislain will bring an accordion. It could happen. We might even play these instruments. We did a three week run at summer's end in a show called "Honestly", in Victoria-by-the-Sea, P.E.I., so we're in good shape. By the way, the rumour about drinks going for $11 to honour the date (11-11-11) is just a rumour. Not to worry. The rumour that this may be my last show ever is also just a rumour, and a nasty one at that. Nevertheless, it is a rare occurrence, and worth catching. What if I burst into flames and you missed it? Could you forgive yourself? I doubt it! - sincerely yours, Nancy White
DETAILS: GREEN DOOR CABARET at the Lower Ossington Theatre. 100A Ossington, between Dundas and Queen.
NOV.11, 2011. 8 P.M. (DOORS 7.30)
TICKETS: $20 (arts workers), $25, general admission, $30, reserved.
www.lowerossingtontheatre.com. (416) 915-6747
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