What a treat to hear Melissa Stylianou at the Homesmith Bar - where you can hear every delicate nuance of her vocals - and as always she picks wonderful material - Joni Mitchell's "Marci", Paul Simon's "Hearts and Bones" - that will be on her new album, an amazing blues, a poetic tune by someone named Edgar Mayer or Meyer...must get enlightened on that composer, Jerome Kern's "The Folks Who Live on the Hill" and "You Turned the Tables on Me" - which she related she sang at Bob DeAngelis' New Year's concert with the big band. I remember being so impressed with her adeptness - I had never heard her sing with a large ensemble before.
And her trio - the sensitive and talented Ted Quinlan on guitar and Andrew Downing on bass. Sublime! We miss you Melissa, now an NYC resident. I am so looking forward to her new release. She sold all 10 copies of her most recent release at the show last night...
Tonight is Vincent Wolfe's gig at Chalkers - what a great weekend!
Please visit www.melissastylianou.com - that's where this lovely photo comes from....I also noticed jazz photographer Greg King there last night...
A sample below of her lovely vocal stylings and knack of choosing great songs to cover.....
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