Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Humber Vocal Ensemble

IMG_7169.jpgAs  I was en route to the Rex last night - I spied Heather and Mark Segger through the window of a Japanese restaurant a block away from the club. They were just grabbing a bite - they have both recently returned from a western tour to promote Mark's CD - the sushi looked yummy...mental note: check place out - if I can remember which one it was...

Great sounds from the kids in the Humber program, original tunes and covers of "Fragile" and James Taylor's "Mexico" to name but two...Trish Colter was pacing nervously throughout the club - but she had no need to fret - they did her proud. By the way that is Danny Fong - third from the left with hip looking glasses.

A few potential germs seem to be vying for space in my body and I'm doing my darndest to try and fight them off...a nap may be in order...I was in calling "lapsed" donors for Jazz FM this morning - remember 1 -800-811-2400 or www.jazz.fm  and you too can get in on some fabulous prizes and incentives pre campaign PLUS during the campaign...the more funds we get now...the shorter the campaign!

I got a lovely note from Myron who manages content for OnlineColleges.net - who says it is "not often one comes across a site that is so well written and creatively expressed as yours"... aw, shucks - okay, I am buttered up, thank you, I blush! So here is the plug...here attached is the article -  20 Essential Blogs for the NYC Bookworm and though I live in Toronto - you know I do love books!


P.S. An anonymous reader says no reservations left tonight for Russ Little's gig at Quotes - SRO!

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