Other autographs: Colette Baron Reid - a heroine of mine - who went off script and actually did readings of the audience in the John Bassett Theatre - she provided one of the most profound experiences of the event - her "forgiveness" meditation caused a lot of spontaneous eruptions of tears for everyone - including me - helped me release some of my grief on my mom's passing two years ago.
Michael Chase signing his book at left.
Doreen Virtue was a gentle, heaven sent keynote speaker - accompanied by Mark on keyboards while we surrounded by the angels.
I find it interesting that so many of these people have a dark background - meaning abuse, drug addiction etc. I guess they believe that in the words of Winston Churchill .."when you are going through hell.....keep going". It's either up or out.
While I was there I went over to visit Dan and the guys at Azure and saw a steady stream of bold print authors going into one of the private dining areas - including Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.
The most amazing speaker at the conference for me was Gregg Braden - who spoke about "Deep Truth" - his next book due in the fall. I noticed a larger percentage of males in the audience - since I'm pretty sure Gregg comes about things from a scientific perspective. Mind blowing information about potential changes to the timelines of civilization - discoveries of settlements - that are 10,000 to 11,000 years old! That's twice the current estimate....there he is over to the left signing many many books.
I'm off to a screening of "Forks Over Knives" tonight - a veg doc and thus far not much jazz to report but I will keep you updated...
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