Sunday, May 1, 2011


Save The Fort York Pedestrian Cycle Bridge Okay, now I'm going to get political - seems after a long meeting of the Public Works and Infrastructure Meeting at City Hall one of Rob Ford's cronies - notice i don't call him Mayor because he is certainly not that to me - Councilor Shiner apparently blindsided our fearless leader - councilllor Mike Layton - yes, Jack's son - and I'm proud to say he got my vote. He snuck in the motion to send it back to staff - i.e. to die a slow death likely by committee.

Now how does this affect you, one might ask.It's about quality of life - linking a pedestrian and cyclist bridge down to the waterfront, linking up parks - recreation and enjoyment and oh, helping save my community garden - which provides food and enjoyment for it's members and helps us all to keep things local and green.

Scarily enough there is talk of selling the land...yikes...Guess there is no room for artsy, left wing pinko types with their bicycles and gardens - horrors!

Anyhoo - SIGN THE PETITION!!! Email Rob Ford and Mike Layton - showing Mr. Layton your support of course.

Don't let the bullies win.
Save The Fort York Pedestrian Cycle Bridge

Aside from that..I'm off to hear P.J. Perry at the Royal York Road United Church this afternoon at 2 - short a couple of blocks south of the Royal York subway....

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