Yes, I called it "Wild about Harry"..I couldn't resist - he even did that tune with the great Eubie Blake.
This is not Harry but rather my cat Ivy, Miss Whiskers, the foo foo kitty, whiskerywoo...you know all the goofy names you give your cat. I took this photo because in a certain light two front white whiskers looked like tusks...I am the Walrus....
Now that I look at the photo she may appear more vampire-like...how trendy!
With that little segue (I Am the Walrus) I have certainly been hearing a lot of Beatles tunes everywhere I go what with the new releases of their recordings in Mono and Stereo - I would prefer Mono myself since that is generally how I hear the world.
I'm baking cashew, macadamia and peanut butter cookies with dark chocolate chunks this afternoon on a whim...
I am also happy Bonnie Hunt is back with new shows - she had Elisabeth Moss on from "Mad Men"...she seemed really delightful and glowing.
I finished a great book recently called "Dante's War" - set in Italy during the Second World War with Dante and Angelina the lead characters - he goes off to War - near Malta and then Africa, she stays in her little village, holding her own - fascinating.
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