I knew things were off to a good start this morning when I heard Ross Porter's voice as I entered Gallery 533 on Portland at Richmond - he was on the radio not in the gallery. I heard a disembodied voice from upstairs - it was perhaps the gallery owner who came down to wish me "Good Morning" - bad journalist - should have gotten his name. He loves listening to the station he said.
In one of my strange non sequiturs, Ross Porter was in my dream last night too - I was preparing to go on a cruise with him and his lovely wife Denise...interesting.
Back to art - some very cool works in this gallery by artist James Fowler and the show is called Plain View. Two of my favourite works were featured on their postcard (at the top of the page) - apparently derived from Google Maps of San Francisco and New York with their respective bridges - and dissected into multicoloured cubes and shapes - you will have to see for yourself - www.gallery533.ca . There were also several lovely Japanese prints in binders upstairs.
Over to Trinity Bellwoods Park and oodles of artists and artisans - bought some earrings...hello? You expected me to resist the siren call of sparkly jewellery, when you know I am part magpie? It was a perfect fall afternoon, sunny, cooler and smog free. I resisted the pull of Nadege's macaroons...I was really tempted, though.
http://www.outofruins.com/ creates breathtaking glass works...should I call them windows or panels...out of salvaged glass and other objects.
Back onto Queen with half of my daily "allowance" gone and in to check out Nicholas Aoki's solo exhibition at Narwhal Art Projects and entitled " Goodnight Sweet, Hearts" - it's eerie and fairytale like...that's all I can say and it's worth checking out.

Galeria Lausberg and Harald Schmitz-Schmelzer's - "3D Colour" will blow you away. The artist uses resins which he mixes different colours and sometimes textures into, waits for each one to set and adds the next layer, as I understood it - I'm sure it's much more complicated than that - so you have these horizontal and sometimes vertical striped "blocks" which you can view from many angles. In one of his works - there is even an insect on the top. Check it out! http://www.galerie-lausberg.com/
To top off the day, the very long and angst filled suburban drama - "Revolutionary Road". Great acting from Kate and Leo.
Photos from Canadian Art - their directory.
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