I'm heading over to Gate 403 to see "Bass and Bass" - Ori Dagan and Ross McIntyre...this is a time honoured and great combination - bass and voice. I have heard Sheila Jordan, Karen Young and countless others to great effect.
I might later go over to the Rex to see Julia Cleveland's group - as usual funds permitting. Tomorrow night is the the always spendid John McLeod's Rex Hotel Orchestra - where I also get to see my brother on bass trombone.
The garden is going well so far, I will take a photo next time I'm over so I can show its' infancy. There appears to be some activity on the seed front up already - one of the greens I believe. I guess I should have drawn a map as to what was where but it's a small plot.
Also on the agenda this week - getting cheap rush tickets for "Jersey Boys" which I've heard great things about and I haven't been to theatre in a looong time.
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