Sunday, November 29, 2009
Jazz FM Youth Band at The Rex
All I can say is Wow! I am certainly impressed with our Youth Band under the tutelage of Jules Estrin. Thanks for the great set of music - you guys are awesome!
I'd like to forward an email I got from the sweet and talented Francois Mulder - he is an angel and a wonderful performer...check out his CD as he advises....
Thanks to your support, some hard work and the grace of God, I have recently recorded and released my first album, The Love Led Acoustic Sessions. You can listen to sound clips of the album by clicking on either of the following links:
the music page on my website :
or my MySpace page :
The album is also available for purchase, in both digital format and as a hard copy, at iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon. The links to these online stores are at the bottom of this e-mail.
Alternatively you can get in touch with me at , and I can mail the CD directly to you.
If you have any feedback on the album, please write to me. I’d love to hear form you! If you like the music, please tell a friend about it by forwarding this e-mail to them.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Whole Health and Whole Lotta Frishberg
Here is the sparkly (jewellery courtesy of Louisa LaBarbera) and chic Ilana Waldston along with Ross McIntyre (bass) and Mark Kieswetter (piano) at Trane last night.
Great show! I had a great chat with the bartender about jazz and singing. Nathan Hiltz was there - his always charming self and that lovely jazz couple about town - Lisa Particelli and Norman Marshall Villeneuve...made a note to myself about FINALLY going up to Chalkers for Girls Night Out.
And who was at the door but two great chanteuses - Bonnie Brett and Maureen Kennedy!
Earlier that day I was working at The Whole Health Expo for the stylish and serene Jalanna at Soul Symbols - she makes incredible jewellery - perfect for balancing your chakras....

A sampling of her work....
I got some essential oils - Colour Therapy for balancing a couple of my chakras too.
There are all kinds of practioners - clothing, food (including raw food products), lectures....
Tonight, energy willing I am going to check out Maybe Not at Tequila Bookworm and tomorrow - the Jazz FM Youth Band is at the Rex for the noon show - I can say hello to their fearless leader Jules Estrin...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
On the Town
Jazz happenings:
The lovely and hilarious Ilana Waldston is at Trane tomorrow night with her Frishberg tribute. I hope not to be too tired out to enjoy it after a day at the Whole Life Expo....last time she had her gig at the Trane there was a huge thunderstorm...which knocked out power.
Saturday - I will go to the Bookworm (Tequila) to hear this week's "Jazzology" guest - Nathan Dell Vandenberg on trombone....listen to Ali Berkok's show tonight - he has a gig at Trane next Wednesday....
Monday it's Blunt Object at Trane - the music of Carla Bley under the sure-handed direction of yet another trombone player (and former "Jazzology" guest) Robin Jessome. Some of our other "graduates" are likely to be in the big band...
Tuesday sees another after work jazz gig at the Reservoir with that Demon about town (on his trusty bicycle) Richard Underhill...
Now I am off to Fressen for a celebratory dinner - I will let you know later...but it involves jazz and income...both good.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Marmalade and Chocolate and The Beach
I visited Lady Marmalade for a brunch meal today - it's located on Queen East - 898 and Logan. I didn't realize it had taken over the former Pulp Kitchen
Vegan options on the menu - funky tables and chairs - cozy and busy.
Feeling adventurous and having some time to kill before meeting up with a friend I decided to walk east toward the Beach. En route I checked out some shops and in particular Kakayo Chocolate Company at Queen Street East. They make amazing chocolate and even have vegan truffles - organic is the name of the game here and the shop is charming.
I also bought some lip balm - and this is jazz related - apparently a favourite of many a sax player - it's chocolate mint and is by Earthly Paradise 416 504 1653 and the creator also sells at the Dufferin Grove Market.
The Coconut Pistacho truffle (off the vegan wagon for that one) is incredible, postively silky...try out all the flavours. The dark chocolate bar is made with agave which I'm curious to try...I had been meaning to check out this shop for the longest time and finally got to sample the goods at the Craft Off The Lot show recently.
Still en route I checked out "The Purple Thumb" at 1887 Queen East just going into the Beach. They have a terrific collection of locally made and ethically produced goods including clothing and jewellry. Plus - they had Jazz FM on in the store!
Afterwards tea and a cupcake from a shop way into the Beach called Life Is Sweet – A Cupcake House at 2328 Queen St. E., 416-698-0555 It was coconut...mmm... and a walk along the boardwalk watching the waves come in and the dogs frolic in them... - 1584 Queen Street East.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fun-raising update
Great time at Jazz FM this morning - the crew raised over $31,000 on the shift from 9 - 1 p.m. Go Ralph! Last time I check we were above $570,000...yes! Still a few hours to go today...
"Whoa Nellie" was a hoot and a half last spite of Lonesome Lefty not being there - stuck in Windsor, can catch them next time on January 2nd....
I am making Russian Cabbage Soup and had a great mini reflexology treatment from Melissa at All One's open house in Roncesvalles. She is amazing...need to book an actual session with her. As always, Gosia and the staff provide incredible energy.
The EFT technique worked wonders as well....I continue to be astounded at the effectiveness of alternative therapies.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Caramel Apple Pie (from Brandi via Veg News)
As you can see part of this is already eaten - it was far too tempting after smelling it baking for nearly an hour.
Thanks to Colleen Patrick Goudreau's pastry tips the crust is like "buttah"...always chill the ingredients - yes, all the ingredients even the flour - and don't overwork the dough!
Brandi's Famous Caramel Apple Pie!
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
your favorite Vegan pie crust recipe (I used one from "The Joy of Vegan Baking)
3-4 large Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced very thinly
(I tossed these with a teaspoon or more to taste of cinnamon or even nutmet if you like...cardamom?)
"Caramel" topping:
1/2 cup vegan butter
3 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup water
(My addition - 1 teaspoon vanilla)
Directions:Heat oven to 425 degrees F.
Pile apple slices in pie crust, and lattice crust over top of pie.
In a saucepan, bring "Caramel" topping ingredients to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for five minutes.
Pour "Caramel" over top of pie so that it seeps into the apples and covers the lattice.
Bake for 15 minutes uncovered, then cover with foil and continue to back at 350 degrees F. for another 35-45 minutes.
Serves: 12
Preparation time: 1 hr
I also made some delectable Mushroom Pate yesterday from Sara Kramer's recipe in "La Dolce Vegan"...why would anyone want to eat regular pate - especially knowing how it's derived when something can taste this amazing?
After a tense week, TVA elections are over for another year..onward and upward.

Tomorrow night I'm going to check out the Gladstone from 7 - 10 p.m. as our "postie" , (as she called herself) Vera is doing some fun, kickass country swing and rockabilly. "Whoa, Nellie" - that's what they're called. I have heard her at our local Farmer's market so this should be a great time. I do love the Gladstone...good atmosphere, food and drink.
Let me know if you want the recipe (s)....
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Local Vocal

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Analogue Gallery on Queen
I love discovering new businesses in my neighbourhood....this one has been open only 2 weeks..
I was drawn in by Coltrane - a great set of photos of Coltrane and Miles on the "Kind of Blue" recording session - seminal stuff! There are numerous great portraits - Sinatra, Basie and wonderful descriptions of where and when, the atmosphere, the subject. Check out Bob Dylan's alternate photo for "The Freewheelin Bob Dylan" album cover, "The Doors"....early U2, the Sex Pistols, k.d. lang and many others.
The gallery is just west of Bathurst on the southside of Queen.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dragons and horses

Friday, November 13, 2009
The Healing Power of Trombone?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A little under the weather
I'm not sure if it's flu or something else..but I'm hoping it's going away soon..I want to go see Ray at the Rex!
Also, Kaos Theory at Tequila Bookworm on Saturday - with some of our former "Jazzology" guests - Justin Gray, Adam Teixeira, Andrew Kay...9 ish...
Oliver Jones is at the Glenn Gould Theatre on Saturday - a concert in aid of the Jazz Education and Performance Centre...a very worthy cause...
Mike Murley has a concert up at York University of Tuesday....need to get more details on that...
Drinking ginger tea, mint tea and lots of water. The very thought of food, smell of food or reading about food makes me feel queasy...yuck.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ray and Dave and Hammiett

Monday, November 9, 2009
Impromptu Riff
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Finds...some delicious
Finally checked out White Lotus restaurant yesterday (303 Lansdowne) - right smack dab at Dundas and it was yummy. We had the #9, 22 and 46. Each dish comes with a little side of pickled vegetables. The pancake was really fun..filled with faux meat and bean sprouts and liberal accompaniments of fresh mint...yum.
#22 - was grilled shrimp and lemongrass chicken with rice. #46 - yellow noodles and rice noodles with assorted "meats" and vegetables. All served with graciousness...
It's been a long time since I've had great Vietnamese veg food - since the days of the sadly missed Lotus Garden on Dundas in Chinatown. I am very happy to find a replacement!
Great music from Mike Murley and the band yesterday at the Pilot (Barry Elmes, Pat Collins and Ron Westray). Looking for jazz CD's especially local? Try the Song and Script Music Store across the street...more on my visit there hopefully in a Jazz FM blog.
In the meantime 416 923 3044 or 1 888 599 9655....that's the toll free.
Dane Taylor is the best!
Enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend - off to a PFW event and then to Ten Feet Tall....
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Rudresh at the Rex
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Correction...
When I mentioned Jim Gelcer's Trio at Ten Feet Tall...I neglected to mention DAY and TIME...d'oh! Sunday from 3:30 - 6:30...visit to check out their extensive menu at this welcoming spot on the Danforth....
Did you watch "30 Rock" last night? Alec Baldwin kills me...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thus far November, supposed to be big changes for yet nothing. So feeling very blue today, frustrated with my life....I feel things are not progressing at I'm standing at the base of a mountain with no idea how to get over or around it.
I love my writing...but what am I supposed to be when I grow up? Today I feel like I want to escape to a different place, leave everything and everyone behind and start over. It's not mature but it's how I feel. Unknown and unappreciated.
I have been working on trying to be positive...doesn't seem to penetrate today. Today is wallowing, unable to see the blue skies or brighter horizons.
Even music is not inspiring. Here's hoping for better days.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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