I don't what it is...but I appear to be on the mend today...feeling better and better. I attribute it to the powerful healing vibrations of Ray Anderson...what else can I say?
I went to check out Craft on the Lot at King and Shaw this afternoon - lots of creativity and beautiful things - including sparkly stuff for those magpies out there - you know who you are - I am one....
I have included a picture of my new "Bermuda Blue" Swarovski crystal earrings....made by Penny K - check her out - she has lots of beautiful glittery necklaces, earrings and bracelets..www.pennykdesign.com. She does a lot of custom orders and has a multitude of amazing Swarovski crystal shapes - a number of which are no longer available...
There was also chocolate from Kakayo Chocolates - even vegan chocolates - chai and ginger pecan plus lip smacking looking chocolate bars with bittersweet chocolate.
I bought cards with lovely Japanese images from Jasmine Bashaj....there were cool purses from cipolla (cipollashop.com), beautiful jewellery from Dragonfly Designs - and you know I like dragonflies - there was a beautiful pink stone bracelet I was toying with from there...perhaps I need to hint for Christmas. Great smelling skincare from Bumblebee, The sale is going on all this weekend and it's certainly worth checking out....it's pay what you can $5 - earns you one raffle ticket, $10 - 3 raffle tickets...there is a lot of great unique stuff and the size is very manageable.
If you are in Markham next weekend Penny K Design is having an open house Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a portion of the proceeds going to CP24/Chum FM Christmas Wish Foundation - so an opportunity to make yourself feel beautiful on more than one level...
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