Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fabio Ragnelli Quartet and a New Photo of Me

Fabio Ragnelli on drums, Eli Bennett on Tenor, Devon Henderson (hidden) on bass, Darcy Myronuk on piano. Some serious bop happening at the Rex last night and I was able to be jazz ambassador to a new Torontonian - where to go, what to see..what's happening.
My fellow volunteer advised me today to take a photo of myself in my bright blue dress....because I looked great in this colour.
So this is for you Ron, and thank you..I blush!
Jon McCaslin's "Jazzology" is tonight - everything you wanted to know about drums....and I may head over to Trane to see Max Sennitt y Sus Amigos. I had the pleasure of being served by his lovely wife Maria the other night at Tinto in Roncesvalles...that was before my "Money is my Friend" new mantra and being positive...focusing on gratitude everyday.
One of my major areas of gratitude is meeting all the "Jazzology" students. Today it was bass player Jon Stemmler from Mohawk - his energy and enthusiasm were contagious...his show should air next Thursday.

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