A Rose from a Rose (Arny Johans - flickr)
A lovely rose to all the amazing women I know, have known and will know in my life.
I went to a wonderful inspiring "meetup" and screening today. The meetup group is called "Positive Fabulous Women"...as I am aspiring to be...the positive part, I'm already fabulous..:)
This group, started by the effervescent and tireless Katia already has 1,000 members signed up since last year and more to come..she has had inquiries from such places as Singapore and the Barbados. The women are there for support, networking and having fun; professional and personal reasons.
The film was part of the "Quest" series that Lili Fournier, the producer/director has done for PBS. The event today was called "The Power Within" part of the Women of Wisdom and Power series. She is ready to release a whole other series on manifesting. She features such people as Deepak Chopra, Shirley Maclaine, Gloria Steinem, Marianne Williamson....on and on...
I can't begin to do justice to what the film is about...but basically it's about nurturing ourselves and putting ourselves first and our fellow sisters. Dreaming big dreams and finding our voice...
Her next big project is to have a big international media event for International Women's Day in 2010...sort of a "WomenAid Festival"...conducted from various points around the globe...she is rumoured to be seeking out some help from Oprah...hmmmm...
Then I went to an open house for an alternative healing practice in my friend Christina's neighbourhood (Roncesvalles) and heard about intuitive bodywork, got a facial accupressure session and thai massage. To conclude a shamanic healer conducted a "Moon Circle" ceremony where we expressed our individual wishes/collective wishes and burned sage.
What a powerful, healing and hopeful day..
Please check out Lili's projects on:
Hey, there is a "goddess" in jazz goddess...a goddess every day.
Beautiful flower in the post. I've been especially drawn to the color orange especially one that has a lot of yellow undertones in the last few years.
Yay for jazz!!!
Thanks for that...it is a beautiful rose. I think orange is a healing colour, a spiritual colour as Buddhist monks often wear it..
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