I finally saw this much lauded film....Best Picture Oscar, after all and loved it. I was riveted the whole time, on the edge of my seat as they say. I found it really Dickensian...substitute Mombai for 19th century London and you get my drift..
The kids were especially good I found...really natural and believeable.
Watched "Must Love Dogs" last night as I am a sucker for John Cusack...he is on "Inside the Actor's Studio" today so I'm DEFINITELY watching that...he is the thinking woman's heartthrob..."Say Anything" is one of my favourite films as is "The Grifters". Oh, and how could I forget the double whammy of John Cusack AND David Strathairn in "Eight Men Out" - directed by...John Sayles...I guess that is triple...
Later, possibly up to Chalkers to see Mike Murley...a busy agenda this week - U of T students at Arbor Room on Tuesday at 6:30, Fabio Ragnelli has a trio at the Rex every Wednesday this month (he's a drummer, Humber alum)...and more...Don Thompson's Nonet also at Chalkers tomorrow night...
It's freezing again here today...but at least sunny...when will it end???
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